“It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside.” —Maud Hart Lovelace
“It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside.” —Maud Hart Lovelace
I remember my first car. It was a yellow and black 1973 Plymouth Duster, and I remember saving the $866 to buy it from Suburban Chrysler Plymouth on Suburban Ave. in St. Paul. I was in awe of the freedom it brought me—driving to my friends’ houses, cruising around downtown North St.
Jean Auger considers herself a “photographer for fun.” She regularly gets up before the sunrise each morning to check if there are any photo-worthy sights. And nature photos are her expertise.
If the word “mead” has you conjuring images of raucous Norsemen consuming the honey wine from hollowed-out bull horns after a day of battle, well, your insightful ideations would be correct.
Honoring those memorable moments and time-honored traditions are the backbone of The Minnesotan. And this Father’s Day you can get dad a gift that really hits home.
Solid Ground makes dreams come true with $1.25 million Bezos Day One Fund grant.
Fashion, you may say, has taken a back seat for many of us this past year. We’ve donned our favorite sweatpants or leggings and that well-worn top on a very regular basis—probably too regularly.
Several single moms without reliable transportation—some of them from White Bear Lake—recently received a much-needed gift through Newgate School’s “Wheels for Women” program so they have one less thing to stress out about. The gift? A car.
After 25 years in the corporate marketing and product development world, Claire Powell, who originally hails from London but now resides near White Bear Lake, thought it was time she created a business of her own.
Even the best beauty creams can’t do it all. A more effective way to reduce wrinkles or plump sagging skin might be injectable beauty treatments.
Spring is finally here! There’s nothing quite like seeing those first furls of green making their way up through the soil and bursting into leaves.
Looking for a quick way to celebrate mom on Mother’s Day? How about this “mom-osa,” a fruity and creamy twist on the classic mimosa. Just take a few dollops of her favorite sherbet, drop them in a fluted glass, add a bit of champagne and voila!
If there is one thing social media has shown us, it’s that food is a very visual medium. Unlike other types of art, however, food plays to all of the senses—it has sound, texture, aroma and, most uniquely, flavor.